The opening date for e-filing is January 29, 2024 and the due date is Tuesday, April 15, 2024 for most taxpayers.

Returns for partnerships and S-corporations are generally due March 15.

Reminder: Missing tax documents and errors will delay your refund!!

Please be advised… If you claim the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) or the Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC), your refund may be delayed. By law, your refund can’t be issued before mid-February — even the portion of the refund not associated with these credits. Plan accordingly.

After your return has been filed, the best way to track your refund is Where's My Refund?

Pay estimated quarterly taxes and tax bill HERE.


2023 TAX ORGANIZER can be downloaded HERE.

Download your free personal budget template here.

Download your free business budget template here.

Download your free business mileage tracker here.

Download your free Tax Season Survival Guide here.

Why should I hire an Accountant?

Your business deserves more than a bookkeeper handling the day-to-day transactions.  While a bookkeeper is essential, many small business owners mistake a bookkeeper for an accountant and expect more from a bookkeeper than they are qualified to do. 

As your Accountant, I can ensure your bookkeeping is accurate, help you to get the most out of your financial statements, and assist you with making solid business decisions.  While the goal is to save for the upcoming tax season…  To ensure you are always in the most beneficial position to make future gains, I offer ongoing financial guidance, account analysis, and tax strategies for your business.

How can not so great financial management affect my business?

  1. If your business lacks a solid system, the risk of losing revenue increases. Not being organized and/or prompt leads to forgetting to bill, late billing, not following up with clients, etc.

  2. Tax planning that does not fully serve you. Planning is a proactive concept. Once the calendar year closes, the available strategies are significantly reduced.

  3. Time is of the essence and funding opportunities (free money!) are available but limited. For example, most grant opportunities have a couple week submission period. My advice is to keep your financials organized so you won’t have to scramble at the last minute.

  4. Increased penalties, interest, fines, and stress! For example, when there is a lack of accounts payable organization, it is tough to determine who you owe and the payment deadlines. In addition, you may be subject to fees due to late credit card payments, not paying quarterly estimated taxes, no forecast to manage cash flow, the list goes on and on.

  5. You have no idea your business is on life support which leads to shutting down. Sadly, NO solid plans = just hopes and dreams. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Planning, tracking, and managing are key.